A Hero’s Journey Tarot Spread

As the nights grow longer and colder, I’ve been thinking a lot lately about descents to the underworld. Specifically, I’ve been thinking about the hero’s journey, the prototypical underworld descent myth laid out by Joseph Campbell in his 1949 book The Hero With a Thousand Faces. This book is flawed, and I hesitate to bring […]

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I’m picking up this tag from Benebell Wen, who in turn got it from Kelly Bear. It’s originally a YouTube tag, but Benebell did it as a blog post and I’m going to follow in her steps (although my post won’t be nearly as aesthetically pleasing). The challenge: To list 5 Tarot decks you love, […]

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A Tarot Spread for Protestors

One of the frustrating things about Tarot is that it’s fundamentally passive exercise. It can give you a peek at the future and arm yourself to what’s coming your way, or it can provide an interpretive framework to process and understand the events around you—much the way that I processed the recent wave of protests […]

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A Tarot Spread for Lost Causes

A friend once told me that fighting for justice is like trying to empty the ocean with a teaspoon. It’s hopeless, it’s futile—but if you really care enough, that’s exactly what you try to do. You empty the ocean, one teaspoon at a time. And sometimes it rains, and the ocean fills up again, and […]

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